Humanities Library
The library holds books and journals in the humanities and the cultural sciences as well as notes, play scripts and audio and video recordings. The library also holds the National Resource Library for Gender Studies Kvinnsam, several donated collections and rarities as well as older prints and manuscripts.
At Humanities Library
Outdoor book drop
Coffee machine
Vending machine
Kitchen or microwave oven
Print, scan and copy
Book lockers for researchers
Microfilm reader
Microfiche reader
Study spaces
Group study rooms
Reading studio
Silent reading room
Special reading room
Newspaper computer
Yes *
Media studio (DVD, VHS, CD, LP, MC)
Yes *
Piano room
Yes *
* Book a resource
Book the newspaper computer with full access to the database Svenska tidningar from the National Library. Via this computer, you can access articles from over 400 digitized newspapers from 1645 until today.
Book the media studio to use the audio- and video recordings from the University Library and the National Library.
Book the piano room at the division for music and drama.
Book a study space on floor eight.
Phone hours
The Humanities Library's phone hours are:
Monday-Thursday: 10:30-19:00
Friday: 10:30-18:00
Saturday: 10:30-16:00
Phone number: 031-786 17 45.
Construction disturbances
During the building of the West link, rock caverns and tunnels will be drilled and blasted out in the area around the Humanities Library. This includes building a work tunnel under the library. The work will involve disturbing noises from drilling and blasting.
The disturbances will mainly take place from 7 am to 7 pm on weekdays. You can register with the The Swedish Transport Administration’s explosion warning service so that you receive a message 30 minutes before each explosion that takes place in the area.
Sign up for the explosion warning service here (In Swedish)
Read more about the West Link (In Swedish)
Olof Wijksgatan is closed
Olof Wijksgatan is closed to all traffic between Johannebergsgatan and Renströmsgatan. The closure lasts while the Swedish Transport Administration is building the western entrance to the West link station Korsvägen. At the same time, the parking garage under the Artisten building will also be closed.
Bicycle parking
Due to the construction of a new building for the Faculty of fine, Applied and Performing Arts, the bicycle parking spaces outside the Humanities Library will be removed until further notice. Visitors are directed to the bicycle parking outside the Humanistens building.
The map below describes how pedestrians, cyclists and cars can get around.
Accessibility of the premises
The library's entrance is accessible for people with disabilities. Accessible parking is available by the library's entrance. A lift is available between all floors.
There is an accessible workstation in the reading studio, and an height-adjustable desk in the silent reading room. An accessibility-adapted toilet is available.
Between the shelves in the open stacks on floor 5A and 6A, it can be crowded to get in by wheelchair. Contact the library staff if you need any assistance retrieving materials.
Contact Humanities Library
Mailing address
Humanities LibraryBox 222
405 30 Göteborg
Visiting address
Renströmsgatan 4412 55 Göteborg
Delivery address
Lundgrensgatan 1412 56 Göteborg
Opening hours for Humanities Library
Please note that the special reading room and the information desk for music and drama have other opening hours.
Tomorrow08:30 - 20:00
Tuesday08:30 - 20:00
Wednesday08:30 - 20:00
Thursday08:30 - 20:00
Friday08:30 - 19:00
Saturday10:00 - 17:00
Regular opening hours
Day | Time |
Monday – Thursday | 08:30 – 20:00 |
Friday | 08:30 – 19:00 |
Saturday | 10:00 – 17:00 |
Holiday opening hours
Date | Time |
Maundy Thursday 17 April | 08:30 – 16:00 |
Good Friday 18 April | Closed |
Easter Eve 19 April | Closed |
Easter Monday 21 April | Closed |
Walpurgis Night 30 April | 08:30 – 16:00 |
May Day 1 May | Closed |
Ascension Day 29 May | Closed |
National Day 6 June | Closed |
Whitsun Eve 7 June | Closed |